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Joe Must GO

Joe Biden needs to step down.  There should be a contested convention just like the Good Ol’ Days!  I’m excited already!  Can you imagine the TV ratings???  People will go nuts! IT WILL BEAT THE SUPERBOWL. Let’s start there, not with neggy stuff, like how completely past it Biden obviously is.  Waste of time to dwell on it, since it’s not even close to debatable.  If he were my client charged with Murder??  100% I would send him for a Competency Eval after talking to him for ten minutes. We jokingly call it too much “synapse gap” in my line of work.  Latency, Confusion, Memory Lapses.  It is ALL THERE FOR EVERYONE TO SEE!  WAKE UP!  THE EMPEROR HAS NO BRAIN CELLS! Back to fun stuff.  When I was a kid, I lived in a very politically active Republican Household.  Bob Michel (who was top Republican in the House, but not Speaker because the Dems owned Congress back then) was a close family friend.  I remember sitting in his office in D.C. with him trying to persuade me to go to West Point and he would sponsor me.  [I was ten, so it was a bit over my head.] So, of course, we used to watch the conventions.   Rivetted to the TV for nights on end, in the middle of summer, escaping the heat, down in the basement, gathered around our 19-inch Motorola Black and White.  And, yes, rabbit ears. It was SO EXCITING!  I LOVED IT!  Nobody knew for sure who would win.  I can kinda remember ’64.  My parents loved Barry Goldwater (yes, that Goldwater). We waited in anticipation as the State Delegates were called, state by state (not sure of order, but maybe alphabetic?). Of course, it was always men who spoke for the Delegations.  One after another they would stand and say something poetic about their state…. e.g.  “I speak on behalf of the fine citizens of the Land of Lincoln, ILLINOIS!, where Democracy thrives, the corn grows high and the air is pure, where the great city of Chicago…. blah, blah” The thing is, it was ENTERTAINMENT.  You know.  Like good Reality TV. I would LOVE to watch a convention like that again! Is it complex to change horses now?  Yes. Duh.  However, I have been watching this slow-motion train wreck for months.  Years, really.  Watched as Joe stumbled and bumbled.  Watched as the White House screamed indignantly about the Special Counsel talking about Joe’s dementia, essentially.  Been confused why they fight releasing videos of his interviews. WHY?  We have the transcripts.  WHY HIDE IT?  WHAT are you hiding?  We ALL know. So, this is not a NEW problem.  It should have been fixed ages ago, and the fact that it was not is NO REASON not to fix it now. If it was a car rather than an election, just think how ridiculous that argument would be. And, guess what? The longer you delay fixing a car, the more the repairs are gonna cost!  Same thing here.  Fix the damn thing! We found out 100% for sure about Joe’s competence during the debate.  He is past it.  Time to go, Joe. Had a “bad night”?  Gaslight the “bedwetters”? Proclaim “LOYALTY” above all else?  How are you different from the opposing camp? Are you elected officials or Royals?? Guess what?  You could not “have been royals”. What if Putin decided to push the button when Joe is having a “bad night”? What then??? Wait until he takes a quick nap? The Dems made this bed.  Now they must sleep in it.  But.  Per above, they can make some serious lemonade out of this lemon. Final thought.  Everyone assumes people die in their sleep, as in golfing all day and attending meetings then just slip away while sleeping. WRONG!  That is NOT how this happens.  I am amazed NOBODY talks about this elephant in the room.  It is a long, sloooooow, grueling process.  They do not just flip the light off.  More of a slow, painful dimmer switch. How do I know this?  First, I am not stewpud.  Second, I have the t-shirt.  Two in fact.  Both my dad and mother-in-law were Joe’s age when the final slide started.  What followed was YEARS of medical interventions, trips to the ER, new and different problems, more and more deaf and forgetful and slow and immobile, and frankly, totally confused –slowly, day by day by day by day by….. get the idea? If he is elected (He NEVER WILL BE at this point) and croaks in May? It would be a blessing.  THINK ABOUT IT! Otherwise, we are gonna have years of trips to Walter Reed and talk about Section 4 of the 25th Amendment being invoked. And that I do not find exciting. Not for me, anyway.The post Joe Must GO first appeared on Platt, Thompson and Buescher, Attorneys at Law.

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